* B.L.S. International Relations. Bowling Green State University. August 2011
* Education Abroad: Hiroshima Joagakuin University. Hiroshima, Japan. Summer 2010
Working History
* The 7C Cowley Ranch – Montague California. 2011
-Practicing free range, self sustained horticulture and irrigation systems as a ranch hand in the Little Shasta Valley.
-Acquired and maintained beginners level Spanish.
* Empire Foods TSG - Cincinnati and Toledo divisions, 2007-2011
-Regional brokerage firm sales / marketing representative for Cincinnati and Toledo operations.
* BGSU Telefund - Bowling Green, Ohio. 2009
-Student marketing representative for alumni donations and University student programs. Trained in Microsoft Office Suites,
Excell, Powerpoint, Photoshop, and Macintosh Operating systems.
(Educational and Professional references available upon request.)