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Job Location

Nearest Subway Stn

Job Description * Qualifications:
- Native English speakers who have been educated in an English speaking country since high school
- Master's degree or Bachelor's degree from an accredited 4-year university with at least 2-years of teaching, (experiment and) or industrial working experience
- TESOL, CELTA or a teaching license

* Working Conditions & Benefits:
- Minimum Teaching : 10 hours per week (any teaching in excess of 10 hours is paid as overtime)
- Annual base salary : Starting at KRW 30 million (excluding overtime)
- National Health Insurance
- Housing subsidy : KRW 200,000 per month or school accommodations
- Private Korean Teachers Pension

* Application Procedure (2-step process):

1. Step 1 : Preliminary online application
(1) Application Period : From 09:00 October 6(Tue) 2009 to 17:00 October 13(Tue), 2009
(2) Procedure : Fill out the Application Form after Click [Apply] in main Homepage( (Internet access available from 09:00, October 6)
2. Step 2 : Submission of Documents
(1) Submission Period : From 09:00 October 14(Wed) 2009 through 17:00 October 16(Fri), 2008
(2) Location: Room 105 Building 3, Inha Technical College
#253 Yonghyun-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea
(3) Documents must be submitted in person.
(4) Documents submitted by mail or courier service will not be accepted.
(5) Original documents are required for verification and will be returned.

* Note:
- In the event that any of the above are falsified, the contract will be terminated immediately.
- Applicants failing to submit the required documents by the deadline will no longer be considered.
- Corrections are possible during the internet application period only.
- After all documents have been reviewed, successful candidates will be notified of the interview schedule.
- Submitted documents will not be returned under any circumstances.
- Applicants not holding a Korean F-series visa are required to submit a police background check(CBC) from the place of their origin to Korean Immigration for visa processing.

* More Information is available at
- Mr. Shin-Wook Kim CP 010-7674-4851
- Prof. Ki-Yung Kim, (032) 870-2296, CP 011-445-8338,

Start Date


Type of Position


English Proficiency Native
Other Languages

Education Level Bachelors
Employer Profile
Employer Title
Employer Type



Owner name
Nearest Subway Stn

Land phone

(032) 870-2296


Contact person

Prof. Ki-Yung Kim

Instant Messenger

Inha Technical College in Incheon is seeking TWO highly qualified instructors for English conversation on a non-tenure basis for two years. Teaching starts on March 1st, 2010.
