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University (College)

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Seoul-si > Sungbuk-gu

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Seoul Line Six Korea Univ.

Job Description Korea University (KU) in Seoul, South Korea, seeks highly qualified, dynamic and motivated candidates, enthusiastic about teaching, to become full-time staff members in its Institute of Foreign Language Studies. The University, founded in 1905, is one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities and is focused on its ethos of “Proactive KU”, seeking an ever more prominent role in international education.

AVAILABLE POSITION: Enrichment Program English Instructor
(Please DO NOT apply if you are interested in a lecturer position)

OVERVIEW: Due to the ever changing and increasing demands of English education, KU is looking for English Instructors that have acquired a high standard of teaching and experience (a minimum of 2 years teaching children in Korea) throughout their careers (adults experience highly valued).

Candidates should show a great predisposition to contribute positively (contributing toward material development); leaving a legacy in the Enrichment Program in which future instructors may benefit from and continue to build upon. Thus, we are looking for charismatic individuals that are forward thinking, with a positive drive, and willing to form part of a well-established program.

Teachers will find a welcoming and professional team that is proud to work at one of the best Institutions in Korea and will make both their career transition comfortable and teaching experience gratifying. The KU IFLS Enrichment Program allows instructors to enjoy a University environment and teach both children and adults of various linguistic levels, each presenting constant challenges and demands.

The core component of the KU Children’s Enrichment Program is a seven level communicative language course built around popular task-based textbooks such as Let’s Go and Backpack. This is supplemented by a variety of specialist classes, which target Phonics, Reading, Middle School, High School and International learners. Instructors may be required to teach all such classes during the period of their contract, meaning applicants should be versatile and adroitly capable in materials development, syllabus design, and course implementation.

Each component of the program has a detailed syllabus which instructors are required to follow. Monthly grade requirements provide a clear guideline of the work that instructors are expected to oversee. However, within these parameters instructors have a high degree of freedom with regard to the methodology employed. Instructors are responsible for creating their own monthly outlines and submitting written evaluations. Performance is monitored by the Program Administrator in the main Korean office, assisted by the Program Coordinator, a fellow teacher within the program.

All year round
Class Duration: between 50-110mins
Class Times: MWF 2.30pm -6.20pm, T/H 3.30pm-6.50pm
(Approx. 12 scheduled contact hours per week)

KU IFLS ADULTS ENRICHMENT (NON-CREDIT) PROGRAM: This program offers a wide range of English conversation courses to University students, staff and members of the general public. Their purpose is to enhance the students’ English communication skills with a high degree of confidence, fluency and accuracy.
English Conversation Classes (EC): (6 Levels) Beginner – Pre-advanced.
English Conversation Tutoring (ECT), Young Leaders’ Selection Program: Current Affairs (CA)
Intensive English Conversation Classes (4 hrs with 3 separate teachers).
EW Courses: Writing Skills 1,2 & 3
Additional Optional Courses: SI (Saturday Intensive) & Instructor Course Proposals

Instructors will have core books (or Syllabus material) at their disposal, to be used at their own discretion, and will be expected to create their own outlines and evaluate students’ performance through role-plays, presentations and/or other means of assessment. Classes are taught in a professional, friendly, informative and structured environment, whereby students are to be corrected, engaged and encouraged to participate positively. There will be high expectations placed on instructors to contribute positively to the program and show a great degree of commitment and willingness to improve the high standards of practice at IFLS Korea University.

Four sessions of varying lengths are offered throughout the year.
Winter and summer semesters between 9am – 2.15pm
Spring and fall semesters between 8am – 2 pm
(The length of classes may vary depending on the course taught & Rotation)

DATES: Contract period is for one year, beginning from March 1st, 2012. Contract may be renewed upon consent of both parties.

JOBS DUTIES: Monthly salary is based upon 64 contractual hours a month. Overtime (see salary & benefits) will be paid for any hours exceeding 64 in the calendar month. In addition to the contractual hours, instructors are required to attend regular monthly staff meetings, special program meetings each semester, and partake in (paid) placement testing for prospective new students. Thorough training is provided during orientation sessions, which begin before classes commence.

QUALIFICATIONS: Native speaker of English with a completed B.A., degree. We require a minimum experience of 2 years teaching children in Korea. University-level teaching, adults experience, curriculum development, and TESOL certification or equivalent are all highly desirable.

SALARY AND BENEFITS: 2,345,000 won/month, plus 450,000 won/month as a housing subsidy. Overtime is paid at W35,000/hr. One month's severance pay for each full year of service will be provided at the end of each contract. Furthermore, Instructors will be entitled to a return flight (within the first year, pending approval) and a yearly salary increase of 100,000won in the second year of the contract (if contract is renewed).

Benefits include; subsidized Korean National Health Insurance and National Pension; a spacious office to be shared with another instructor; University Campus facilities, friendly KU staff support and 4 weeks of vacation (2 weeks in Christmas & 2 weeks in the Summer), as well as National Holidays.

Please email the following documents:
* A resume
* A covering letter (including details of previous medical and criminal check information)
* Photocopies or scanned copies of university degrees (including transcripts)
* Photocopy or scanned copy of the passport info page and two passport-size color photos
* 2 letters of recommendation with phone numbers and e-mail addresses to:
The following e-mail:

Upon selection, candidates will be invited for an interview where they will be expected to bring the original documents (specified above), answer questions and prepare the following:
• A detailed Lesson Plan for a Children’s Class
• A structured proposal for a new Adult Course
(More details to follow)

All of the above documents must be submitted by November 23rd.
For more detailed information concerning the position, contact Enrichment Program Coordinators,
Ian Burgos and Anne Butterfield in the e-mail’s subject field at:

Thank you for your consideration.

Start Date


Type of Position


English Proficiency Native
Other Languages

Education Level Bachelors
Employer Profile
Employer Title
Employer Type

University (College)


Korea University Seong-buk-gu, Anamdong 5ga 1 (-)

Owner name
Nearest Subway Stn

Seoul Line Six Anam

Land phone


Contact person

Ian Burgos and Anne Butterfield

Instant Messenger
Company Description